Mixing Metals

We find comfort in limiting ourselves. We limit ourselves by following rules and sticking to what we know. There are so many rules in fashion that it's hard to keep track, but some seem to stick with us more than others. Some rules are even unspoken, yet we still follow them because we feel we have too. The tendency to only wear one metal when putting on jewelry seems to be one such unspoken rule. We are hesitant to wear a gold ring with a silver bracelet or bracelets made up of various metals.

There is truth to cohesiveness but this doesn’t mean limiting yourself to just one thing. There are too many options to just stick to one color, one pattern, or one metal. If the styles of the pieces match, mixing gold with silver will only add to your look. Matching is the keyword here. If it matches, you can mix it. Wearing a silver ring on one hand and a gold on the other sets you apart. 

Lately I’ve been enjoying mixing my bangles. Wearing our Classic Bangles in gold together with a silver Calla bangle makes a classic look modern. Mixing metals isn’t as far of a leap as you may feel it is. It’s something that can add a subtle edge to any look.




Brigitte Regula