the Beauty of Crosses



There are so many things that we assign meaning to – it is the basis of how we communicate with each other and represent ourselves. When we do this with shapes, they become something bigger than simple forms. We make them complex and often allow them only one interpretation. 

A cross is a shape that holds so much strict meaning that we forget that crosses represent many different things. It is a shape that has been used throughout time and cultures for various purposes. It can symbolize traditions, rituals, historical events, or groups of people. It is a shape that has been used for letters and numbers – to convey messages. A cross can also be art, engraved by goldsmiths with faces and stories. It can also simply be important because of its origin or the craftsmanship behind it. Crosses come in so many different sizes and configurations – standing alone or within a design – that we shouldn’t singularly define them.

I notice many clients who are hesitant when it comes to wearing crosses because of how much meaning is placed upon them. The shape of a cross has been used for various purposes because of its simplicity so there is not one strict meaning to it. What we also forget is that not everything needs to carry an intended message if we don’t want it to. It can just be a shape you are drawn to – it doesn’t need to be anything more than something you find beauty in. 

Choose to wear a cross if you like it, respect what it meant before you, and wear it for the meaning you see in it - or because you simply think it is beautiful.

- Brigitte

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Brigitte Hollinger